Rainy's Dragon Home

- - - Main - - - - - About Me - - - - - About this Site - - -

Hello travellers! My name is Raina and I have just created this site to be a home for dragon lovers everywhere. It's a bit empty right now, but I hope to see more dragons here in the future...
hello everyone ^^
spinny raina the dragon
Name: Raina
Age: 20
Time Zone: USA Eastern Time
Pronouns: time-variable*
Astrology Sign: Aries
Blood Type: O+
Interests: Music, math, art, games, programming, fantasy
Likes: Hugs, strawberries, dragons, the long tetris piece
Dislikes: Parties, essays, caffeine, envy
If you would like to contact me, my Discord is RaiinWing#1547 and I also sometimes stream on Twitch.

*What pronouns should I use right now?
she/they ^-^
I am not a professional web developer or graphic designer in the slightest. This website is being made mostly from scratch, with the knowledge that I will be struggling with many aspects of the process. So, for now, my code will be publicly available for both critique and use by newer programmers. Please credit or ask me before using this for your own projects.

Why I made this website
One of my main goals in life is to improve at as many kinds of artistic expression as I can. I started drawing pixel art in February 2023 to that end, and one of my friends said it looked like something that would be on a neocities site. I've always wanted to make a personal website, so here we are! I hope to make this a space where I share my creations in an interactive, cute, and fun manner.

02 April 2023: Rainy's Dragon Home created.